Figure Rise Bust 22 – Fumina Hoshino (Ending Version) Unboxing and Review

the road to winning Fumina

Figure Rise Bust 22 – Fumina Hoshino (Ending Version)

Release Date: late May, 2017

Estimated price: MYR 72.00* (USD $17.05*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation.

Hello and a very good day to all of our awesome readers here! I’m back again with another edition of short reviews. I just realize that it really has been awhile since I wrote and do this short and sweet reviews, and just taking that time off from the MS-06R-2 Zaku II build marathon is really doing me wonders.

As well by doing this, it enables me to just take a step back and just take the time to write a bit to all of our longtime readers here and to those that have been enjoying reading the stuff I make here in this blog, I promise to just make this short and sweet >.<. I just wanted you guys to know that my health hasn’t been at its best lately, I have been frequently seeing the doctors lately and it has been hampering my work in growing this blog and working on the one thing that I love the most, building gunplas.

Even recently I was down again with another row of bad migraines and vertigo attacks. It has been hard for me since only recently I was getting better from the last one and to have another one it has been quite frustrating, to say the least. Despite all of that I’m always the happiest writing for you guys and reading your responses and generally just talking to you guys in Reddit and in this blog. Dealing with all of this does take a toll on me generally but talking to you guys about things that matters to me really helps me to cope with dealing with it. For now, I’m not ready to talk about what is it I’m going through maybe one day I can muster enough courage to just tell you guys here about it.

For now, though I just want to take the chance to just simply to thank you all, really no matter who you are for supporting me in this journey of becoming a better writer and gunpla builder. Making content for all of you is a joy for me, and I hope that I will be able to keep doing so as long as I am able to. I really appreciate you all here, thank you all.

With that done, let’s get into the review, shall we?

Despite me taking about the Figure Rise Bust series in a few occasions on this blog, I have never really been able to get my hands on any of the ones that I want recently (I’m just currently obsessed with Fumina ones, please don’t judge >.<). Them Fumina’s are quite hard to get tbh, so when I was given this Figure Rise Bust for the compensation for my work on the Amatsu Mina I really couldn’t say no to that. Plus I welcome it, since at the time it was a hard kit to get, I can’t say the same currently. Haha……

this was one that was a real bitch to find before I got it.
Not too many parts, yes
but all of them looked well molded
I’m really impressed honestly

As I unboxed this kit, it was clear that this is looking to be quite a solid kit, the runner parts were the most impressive the colour and the quality of the runner parts is really impressive. The colours is a joy to behold and the individual parts were rife with details. The manual is a very simple affair and it is a very easy manual to understand. Though I’m not sure the lack of information or details really comes down to this being the 2nd variation of Fumina Hoshino or is it really that basic. Maybe if I get my hands on more maybe I will be able to comment in detail on this matter.

The build of this kit as well is something that I really enjoyed making, it was really a surprise for me at first because I was really enjoying my time with the MG Ver.2.0 MS-06R-2 Zaku II build as I were taking time off from it expecting to be something to just pass the time, ended up becoming something that I really had the time of my life with!

The manual is really a simple no BS affair really.
I find the instructions to be really clear
and very easy to understand.

Though this admittedly doesn’t take as much time to complete (it just took me an hour to complete this kit) I could say Bandai really made a brilliant job with this. Everything is gated well and in turn, you don’t really have much of them horrible nub issue, well except for the base plate part that one has some serious ugly nub marks (which I fixed with applying some paint on it). The details is also rife with this kit, I really can’t stop myself to marvel on how well made this kit is, I dare say that the details is here as good as the ones that you get on PVC figures. As well I can say that Bandai made it easier to those that choose to color or fine detail this kit as they made line marks if you ever choose to do so. Though the kit still looks good even if you choose to use only the stickers.

Though for this what gets me is the eye system on this kit, honestly, I’m impressed on how it looked overall on this. It really made me wonder why Bandai don’t opt for this on the eyes for when they started on this MS Girl thing for some of the Gunpla Builders lineup. Because just look at it.

no stickers
With stickers see the difference?

It really looks super awesome, right? I do hope if they ever decide to make the MG versions of any of them (I hope they made an MG Super Fumina first) that they will implement this way of making the eyes because Bandai the one that you have on the HG sucks ass. Please do it like this in the future? I hate putting stickers on the eyes. No matter how good they might look but it still looks like I put a sticker on them eyes.

I was having really so much fun making this, and honestly, there is really nothing bad to say, even if this is a static build but it is one that I had really good fun with. I remember when I was getting close to finishing this, I thought to myself if this is it? Is there more to this? Where is the leg part? Whenever I find myself asking these questions then I know then this kit is one that I really have fun with and left wanting for more. Plus look how good it looked completed.

It really does look damn good.

Yes, admittedly it can be something embarrassing to have in your room but you can’t deny that it looked glorious yeah? No? Yes? No, just me then? Damn, honestly I’m just so happy to have this in this room for me. Finally, now I can start my Fumina altar.

Overall, this is something that I really have a ton of fun with and made me already plan for the next figure rise kit! It is something that one can really have fun with but ultimately only something that can only be justified if you are a huge mega fan of this character, but besides that, it is really something that I don’t see most people picking up. Though even if you do, it’s really going to be something that you would really not regret having.

So, I can only recommend this to that said demographic, this is worthy of your time and money spent. Oh and before I forget, why this is still relevant to gunpla? Well to put it simply is this.


Yes, as you can see on the picture above, you can attach Fumina to the action base and display your awesome MG/HG/RG kit with it! How is THAT not relevant! 😀

With that ends my review of this awesome kit. What do you think of the Figure rise series? Did you own any of the figure rise kits? What do you think of the figure rise in general? We do look forward to reading your thoughts on this as well as reading your feedbacks on this as well! 😀

We will be back this Wednesday with another Let’s Talk Gunpla Segment and with a full review of the MS-06R-2 review and you can check out my Instagram page here to know get the up to date progress on my Instagram story of the MS-06R-2 build! 😀 as well you guys can follow me there TOO! :d

Anyways, that’s all for this week, have an awesome weekend and an awesome gunpla time there. I’ll see you guys again next week! Till we meet again! Ciao!

Imma going to have scores of you soon…..


3 thoughts on “Figure Rise Bust 22 – Fumina Hoshino (Ending Version) Unboxing and Review

  1. I don’t at all care for the busts, but I’m interested in Figure-Rise. Shame that in standard they only seem to care about DBZ kits, back when MG and 6 were going they weren’t afraid to put Kamen Riders or Tiger & Bunny, I want to see more than DBZ damnit!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, was quite disappointed that Bandai, just decided to only focus on the DBZ characters. It is quite frustrating to see tbh.

      Hopefully, if there is enough fan backlash maybe one day we will see more of the Mg Figure-rise kits? Though honestly even with the DBZ kits things are slowing down for the Figure-rise series.


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