Let’s Talk Gunpla Vol.463

Now, things are really ramping up

HELLO! We are back! 

In today’s 463rd edition of our Let’s Talk Gunpla segment, we are looking at a recent Retail side’s reveal of the name of their upcoming HGTWFM kit.

Yes, we finally know what that mysterious Gundam-type MS is named now.

So, without further ado. Let us get into it, shall we?

HG 1/144 Gunvolva (HGTWFM)

Release Date: June 2023
Estimated price: JPY 1,540 (MYR RM 50.96* / USD $ 11.49* / EUR € 10.47*)
*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation

Man, that recent The Witch From Mercury episode blows our minds up. It’s nice to know the real meaning of Gundam Aerial’s name. 

But best of all? 

We finally learned the name of the one still unnamed HGTWFM kit coming in the June 2023 release window. And Goddamn, it is one funny-sounding name too. No matter the meaning behind its name, it is hard to deny that it sounds damn funny. 

Also, we learned that this is one of those MS designs that is not an MS. But not to spoil anything about this episode to those that haven’t watched it yet, all we can say is that it’s more like an extension for both the Lfrith UR and Thorn.  

But enough spoiling the anime for you non-watchers here, let us now talk about what we think now of this kit after watching that recent The Witch From Mercury. 

We’d say that after watching the anime, we understand why the HGTWFM Gunvolva looked the way it is, and it made sense why in the design, we didn’t see anything indicating a cockpit hatch at its chest area, unlike the rest of the MS designs we’ve seen in the series so far. But then again, for most of the MS designs from this series, admittedly, it has been quite a challenge to find their cockpit hatch locations.

And after seeing its performance in the anime, we can bet that we’ll see more variants of the Gunvolva as the series progress. Honestly, we wouldn’t be surprised if we see Bandai (or P-Bandai) release equipment expansion parts for the Gunvolva in the future. 

So besides the name reveal, do we learn anything new about this kit? Well, honestly? There isn’t anything new we learned here. We believe that we covered everything that we talked about previously. But even with that said, we’re still looking forward to seeing what other variants of the HGTWFM Gunvolva we’ll see in the future. 

And that concludes our 463rd edition of the Let’s Talk Gunpla segment. Besides the name reveal of the unnamed HGTWFM Gunpla, we love that the start of The Witch of Mercury season 2 has been fast-paced and darker. It’s definitely a stark contrast to the 1st season. Also, we were pleasantly surprised by how good the first two episodes of season 2 were. 

And seeing how the story is progressing, we wouldn’t be surprised if we would have a darker end to this season. Also, we wouldn’t be surprised if Sunrise announces a season 3 after this one ends.

Anyways. We’ll be back again this coming Saturday (hopefully) with a new blog post. So do look forward to that! 

Oh, one more thing before we go, it would be a tremendous help to us all here in the blog if you guys were to leave a like on our posts and subscribe to the blog if you find yourselves enjoying our gunpla/plamo-related posts. We would appreciate it if you guys would take the time to show your support by leaving an upvote on our R/Gunpla posts and by leaving a like on our Facebook and Instagram posts or pages! 

We are also open to good and bad feedback, so feel free to write away.

Hopefully, by sharing our love and passion for building and writing about gunplas or other plamos here, we sincerely hope this post will inspire all of you to pick up on the hobby. Or better yet, reignite your love and passion for the hobby.

We shall see all of you again soon, and we hope all of you here have a splendid day and week ahead! Oh, before we go, please have an excellent time building your awesome gunplas there and until next time.


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