Lets Talk Gunpla Vol.13

P-Bandai Walletraping news!

Hello and a very good day to all of our readers! We are back with a new edition of Let’s talk Gunpla! Now in its thirteenth edition, we will be covering more P-Bandai stuff! I know we just covered some P-Bandai stuff just last week. We also thought Bandai would actually take it easy with this P-Bandai stuff. Then again we should’ve known better.

Though in this edition of let’s talk gunpla we will be covering something that we haven’t covered before, that would be the Gundam mecha action figures! More specifically the P-Bandai ones! Even more specifically….

The Robot Spirits <Side MS> MS-06 ZakuII Mass Production Model ver. A.N.I.M.E. -Real Type Color-


The Robot Spirits MS-06 ZakuII Mass Production Model ver. A.N.I.M.E. -Real Type Color-

Release Date: 2017/10

Estimated price: SGD 85.00* (MYR 267.86* / USD $62.38*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation.

A full look of this awesome beast this.

A ‘Tamashii Nations 10th World Tour Exclusive Item for the P-Bandai Singapore’ (a mouthful, yes) edition, oh yes it doesn’t get more exclusive than this. We do realize that we do have an enormous lack of experience with Gundam mecha action figures (most of us here haven’t really gotten anything from the robot spirits series), but we can’t deny the fact that this is something that we all really want to get when we laid eyes on it. A real glorious thing this. Since this is a very exclusive item, it’s going to be something that you would be proud of to have in your collection no matter if you are a Gundam collector or not.

For anybody that may not want to go through building a Gunpla this is probably something that you might want to consider since you are able to do a lot of awesome action poses and since it is an exclusive kit, it’s going to be something that you would be proud of to have in your collection.

Plus, it looks really awesome af. Just look at it……

damn you sexy beast you.

Though we know that we have been quite harsh with P-Bandai recently (Well kimi is the only one that was quite salty with them), but things like this we really don’t mind them doing more of. Looking at this we all can totally understand why this is a limited edition, just look at it…..

Very actiony! Loving this pose so much.

Plus, it’s a Zaku, Like I said before; more Zaku is always a good thing. 10/10 would buy. I do hope there is still time for me to save up for this one though.

Fuck this is awesome tbh


The Robot Spirits <Side MS> MS-06F ZakuII Mine Layer ver. A.N.I.M.E.

The Robot Spirits MS-06F ZakuII Mine Layer ver. A.N.I.M.E.

Release Date: 2018/02

Estimated price: SGD 75.00* (MYR 235.93* / USD $54.95*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation.

Oh, you handsome young mecha you.

This is another of them P-Bandai Exclusive Mecha Action figure that we are interested in getting, The Mine Layer Zaku II. This reminds us of the fact that all of us haven’t really have owned the Zaku II Mine Layer (MG) kit yet and looking at this really made us realize that we cannot call ourselves a pure ZEON lover until we owned the MG Zaku II Mine Layer. We are a shameful bunch and until we make this right we cannot call ourselves a proud Zeon soldiers up until we get this in our collection. Thanks, Robot Spirits for reminding us of our incompetencies.

Using my very limited knowledge in this field, I must say that both the Mine layer and the Real color does have pretty good articulations. You can really make really action oriented poses like what you get on the MG or HG kits but with really no drawbacks (like your unglued parts falling out). It was as well come with effect parts to make a good action scene with this two.

I love this pose

With this looking to be set to be set to release next year, we are really looking forward to getting this one too and possibly pose it side by side with our MG Zaku Mine Layer.

This is something that we look forward to getting. 10/10 would buy.

Now lets us go to the Gunpla section of this! First with….

HG 1/144 Strike Freedom Gundam “Wings of Light” DX Edition (HGCE)

HG 1/144 Strike Freedom Gundam “Wings of Light” DX Edition (HGCE)

Release Date: 2017/11

Estimated price: SGD 51.00* (MYR 160.43* / USD $37.37*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation.

More up close action shot.

When I see this one announced, it made me remember the time when SEED Destiny MG kits came out with all of those awesome FULL BURST mode MG kits with the awesome effect packs included (the best looking one must go to the MG Destiny version of this). I was glad that P-Bandai brings this back (in the HG form) with the HGCE Strike Freedom Gundam.

This version of the effect pack is looking a lot better than the one that Bandai released for its MG counterpart. I really think this is an awesome addition. Though I do sincerely hope that they would just make an effect pack in the future for those that already bought the HG Strike Freedom.

Looking at this makes me look forward to getting this version of the Strike Freedom

Regardless for someone that hasn’t owned an HG Strike Freedom Gundam I think I’m going to get this kit, maaaybe. 8/10 interesting and good, so maybe

HG 1/144 Zeta Gundam (Wave Shooter) (HGUC)

HG 1/144 Zeta Gundam (Wave Shooter) (HGUC)

Release Date: 2017/11

Estimated price: SGD 27.00* (MYR 84.86* / USD $19.75*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation.

Why is this the chosen look instead?

The revive project has been re-making a lot of the old HG kits (namely from the original Gundam and Zeta series) and giving it some new love to them kits. Honestly, all of us really haven’t had an urge to get the revive kits yet. Though on paper it does had new tech applied to it, but mostly we feel that mostly it feels a bit same old same old. Then again, we should give it a try before we can say more on this matter.

Though now we can really say we probably have found the kit for us to try on. Unfortunately, enough it is from the P-Bandai, so it is going to be an expensive introduction to this new revive line of HG kits.

That shield does make a huge difference. It makes this pose 100% more awesome

This HG Zeta Gundam (Wave Shooter) version is one of those kits where it does have a very different look as compared to the original. Though everything is the same, what strikes this as a lot different than the original Zeta is the shield part for this mobile suit. In some way, it made the Zeta had a GP02 look to it. Just a bit though.

Oh, how I love this wave raider mode.

but i’m really digging the look of this kit actually. 10/10 would buy

MG 1/100 MS-06R-1A Eric Manthfield’s Zaku II

MG 1/100 MS-06R-1A Eric Manthfield’s Zaku II

Release Date: 2017/12

Estimated price: SGD 60.00* (MYR 188.59* / USD $43.90*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation.

I never know a white Zaku can look so……enticing

It’s been awhile since we hear a new P-Bandai exclusive kit that is based on an ace pilot during the one year war. To see the glorious ZEON mobile suit once again released as an exclusive is something that we are really excited about in learning.

But when we this one though, all we can say is





Honestly, I can’t say much about this one because JUST LOOK AT THIS SEXY BEAST.




*Kimi just completely hijacked this one

MG 1/100 MS-06R-1A Uma Lightning’s Zaku II

MG 1/100 MS-06R-1A Uma Lightning’s Zaku II

Release Date: 2017/12

Estimated price: SGD 60.00* (MYR 188.59* / USD $43.90*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation.

What an awesome color scheme this….

This is something that we are really looking forward to. We know they will eventually make the Uma Lightning’s MS-06R-1A Zaku II Custom. This is all made possible all thanks to the Ark Performance’s awesome MSV-R Johnny Ridden No Kikkan manga! It really did manage to make an awesome story with an awesome ark for all the characters in that series, really made all of us fall in love with all the awesome pilots shown there. Actually, if we want to be honest the Eric Manthfield’s MS-06R-1A Zaku II Custom (that was featured before this) is as well based on the character from that awesome manga.

All we can really say even for both of them is that yes, it is a pretty standard MS-06R-1A Zaku II (except with some little detail on Eric’s Zaku II) kit there is nothing new or even special about them, but what sets them apart is the colors and the decals, to us that is enough to justify buying them. Plus, both look terrific even from the promotional stills.

This is too much for us to handle tbh.

Though we can’t recommend this kit if you are an EFSF nutjob or if you have made any variation of the MG MS-06R-1A Zaku II series before. However, this two is something that I would definitely recommend to Zaku II collectors (like Kimi) or those loyal to the cause of our awesome principality of Zeon! SO 10/10 IF YOU ARE A ZEON LOVER LIKE ME


RG 1/144 Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu

RG 1/144 Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu

Release Date: 2017/10

Estimated price: SGD 43.00* (MYR 135.15* / USD $31.46*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation.

When you need more gold in your life

Have you wondered to yourself after buying the RG Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina that you wanted something that had less black parts and more gold parts? Do feel that you need a splash of red on the shield/beam rifle thing? Worry no more because P-Bandai has made a kit just for you!

Introducing the RG Astray Gold Frame Amatsu! Now a kit with more gold color parts and a lot of red on your shield/beam rifle thing! More gold (and a bit of red) than you ever would need in your life.

This is actually a very awesome look

All joking a side, it is a kit that looks awesome overall. Though it does now look more racing car-y with that splash of red on the weapon system. We could say this is a kit that we might add to our collection indeed. 10/10 would get

And finally, we get to the final announcement. The one that we kind of expected P-Bandai to pull off. It would be the…

HG 1/144 Chinyagguy (HGBF)

HG 1/144 Chinyagguy (HGBF)

Release Date: 2017/11

Estimated price: SGD 32.00* (MYR 100.58* / USD $23.41*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation.

This is where you start to question your own morality and sanity

Yes, you are right, the Chinyagguy the cuter version of the Chinagguy that we are graced with recently. Why are we not surprised by this? because we can really see this happen.

but the amount of cute in this is just too much honestly. TOO MUCH! FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKK


Though we haven’t graced ourselves with the Chinagguy yet, however, we are hearing some serious chatter that there are some complaints with the Chinagguy kit. That is something of a worry to us and we do hope that wouldn’t be the case here with the Chinyagguy kit.


That would really suck if it’s the case. We are looking forward to both kits.

But still, 10/10 would still buy.

So that is all our thoughts and opinions on the announcements for the P-Bandai, what are your thoughts on it? Are there kits from the announcement that you are interested in getting? There is a lot of announcement that we had to cover this time around, even with that being said we know there is a lot more kits that are coming soon through the P-Bandai line.

Not so looking forward to that. My wallet can’t handle that many wants….

So that all for this edition of Let’s Talk Gunpla Vol.13! As ever, if you do like this article don’t hesitate to leave a like here or to any platform that you might come across this and you can share the article too if you so wish. To us any form of support from you guys is gladly appreciated! Anyways, Thanks again for reading this and as well for your patience! Have an awesome week ahead and keep being awesome you guys!





2 thoughts on “Lets Talk Gunpla Vol.13

  1. The Waveshooter Zeta, while I expected is P-Bandai, is one of the most disappointing ones for me, because I really love the MS and would love this new kit even more.

    I love the Chinagguy and want it, and I also really want this Chinyagguy which makes it hurt, it’s my favorite of the Armored Girl Gunpla we have so far and I want to give it a shot a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

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