Let’s Talk Gunpla Vol.71


Looks like we have some insane P-Bandai MG’s cooking up for the year-end


Welcome back! All of you awesome readers, we are back again this week with our 71st Edition of our Let’s Talk Gunpla segment! Again, this week we are back covering P-Bandai since this week we finally we have some awesome gunpla release announcement after weeks of silence! Honestly, we are starting to be a bit worried that we might not have anything more to talk about again this week! Haha!

In all seriousness though, this week P-Bandai really has some pretty interesting release announcements and honestly, we are looking at some insane releases this week…So without further ado let us now talk about the Gunplas, shall we?

HG 1/144 GNX-803T GN-X IV (Commander Type)

HG 1/144 GNX-803T GN-X IV (Commander Type)

Release Date: 2018/12

Estimated price: JPY 2,376* (MYR RM 87.84/ USD $ 21.23*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation

This is a badass looking MS, to know that you have can turn it into 2 different variants does make it interesting.

We love the OO Gundam series.

So, every time we heard about some new 00 kits being announced, Albeit retail or P-Bandai just hearing about any news about any 00 (even from the stupid movie) kit announcements is enough to excite all of us here. Since we are big fans of the 00 series in general.

So yes to know that we are getting news about 2 00 kits does put a huge simile on our silly faces and now we are going to be talking about one that is really making us really excited for; the HG 1/144 GN-X IV.

Why do you need anything else after seeing this badass GN-X IV

YES! We are getting another right after we have the GN-X IV released much earlier this year under the Gundam Build Fighters line of P-Bandai HG kits. Now, however, we are getting this released under the proper 00 line of kits and what’s more, we are getting the commander variant of this line of the GN-X IV MS series.

Not to mention, the GN-X IV really is one beautiful looking kit. When we saw it for the first time, well more accurately, back when it was announced under the HG GBF P-Bandai line of kits. We already knew back then that this is definitely will be our next HG P-Bandai purchase!

Buuuuuuut we haven’t really gotten the HG GN-X IV yet though since it was announced and released in February…since we kind of missed the PO window and as we speak we are currently still looking for that awesome and elusive kit……


Now imagine how we all feel when we saw this kit being announced…

Isn’t that sexy?

Hmm, really this GN-X IV is turning out to be a much sexier kit…

Though at the first glance, we don’t really notice any new changes that were made here when we compared both the GBF version and the 00’s version…well yes, we do notice the color scheme change but really when we look at both of the kits…honestly, they really don’t really look any different than the previous release.

So you may ask yourself then…what’s the difference then?

Yes, what is new with you?

Well…..yes we admit even though this does come with a lot of the same things, but at the very least with this version, they supply this variant with some…pretty awesome looking bazookas. One, that we admit, really does look quite awesome in our opinion.

Not to mention that this kit comes in that really awesome color scheme. The green color scheme of the previous one does look quite cool but this? This color scheme really makes this version of the GN-X IV look….really irresistibly…sexy

But to be honest though, we kinda have been expecting for this version of the GN-X IV to be released right after the release of the GN-X IV GBF version…but after seeing this, we guess the wait was worth it. Really P-Bandai really did a great job at making this look awesome.

and yes it does look like we are getting this one as soon as its released…

Hopefully, this wouldn’t be gone as soon as we have the moolahs for the PO

However….this is not the only GN-X kit we are getting we are as well going to see the release of…..

MG 1/100 GNX-609T GN-X III ESF Type (MG)

MG 1/100 GNX-609T GN-X III ESF Type (MG)

Release Date: 2018/12

Estimated price: JPY 4,644* (MYR RM 171.69/ USD $ 41.49*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation

Hmm, we don’t remember seeing you in this color…

When we saw the release announcement of the GN-X III A-Laws Type back in March this year we were kind of hoping that this version of the GN-X III would somehow make it as a Retail release. However now, with the announcement of this in P-Bandai….it kind of dashed our hopes in hopes of getting a proper retail MG GN-X III……

But honestly, though, we are fine with it. Since we are still seeing the ESF version of the GN-X III being released…

However, we are a bit disappointed about one thing….and as soon as you first saw this you may already see the problem with this.

Yes, the color…They got the ESF GN-X III colors bloody wrong…..

This is the actual color

Really, if we are not mistaken, we remembered the ESF GN-X III has always been in the nice blue-ish purple color. Not this kind of purple… Unless we all suddenly became colour blind, we don’t remember the ESF GN-X III had any major color revamps during the show. Yes, we know that this is the promotional pictures and the final product might have a different color scheme than the one that we see here…

But honestly, if this is what we are getting…all I can say is wtf P-Bandai. Did you actually do any research before doing this one?

What pisses us more is that the kit itself does look quite bloody awesome. Though it shares many of the same things that you get with the A-Laws version, we really don’t mind it. Why? Because we LOVE the GN-X III and honestly its quite painful that P-Bandai botched this. That is why we are quite pissed with P-Bandai.

Well at the very least it looks badass

Though, it must be said…regardless of what all of us think of the botched color scheme, the fact of the matter is that the color scheme on this version ESF’S GN-X III itsn’t really looking all THAT bad. In fact, we do like the purplish color scheme that was done here. Honestly, if P-Bandai is not selling this as the ESF version we wouldn’t be complaining since the color scheme does make the kit look quite good. But since it was supposed to be the ESF Version…………….we aren’t really sure if we want to get it.

Then again…we might take a more wait and see approach to this. if it turned out to be not as bad as the promotional pictures made it to be…then we might get this. But if it does turn out to be as bad as that…we might be looking at taking a marker to rename the box….because that isn’t how the ESF colors are on the GN-X III.

Anyways, I still hope that they do it right when it comes out later this year…

Well, hopefully, it’ll look better when we actually get this…

MG 1/100 Qubeley Damned (MG)

MG 1/100 Qubeley Damned (MG)

Release Date: 2018/11

Estimated price: JPY 5,400* (MYR RM 199.63/ USD $ 48.24*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation.

By far the most sinister looking Qubeley to date

After the Polypod we thought that there is no way that they would make anymore insane MG kits…..Oh, how we are so relieved to now finally be able to say that…

We are glad that we are wrong.

It was first showcased for the first time during the C3 AFA Tokyo and when we saw it we are really amazed by how insanely….insane this kit looked and not to mention…they as well managed to make this look, quite bloody good!

Really, we have seen our share of insanely designed Gunplas…but most of the ones that we’ve seen that was made to look insane is mostly from custom build kits…..not retail nor P-Bandai kit in that matter. So to see Bandai…no P-Bandai taking the limiters off in their design department on this does really put a smile on our face.

Honestly, we are really glad that the Qubeley Damned was made.

We really need more insane looking MG kits like these

This is really without a doubt that this is one of the most insane looking Qubeley yet and yes, though might not be the most insane looking MG’s when compared to the Polypod ball….however, unlike the polypod ball and the Gundam Storm Bringer, this, actually looked really badass. So badass in fact we actually felt quite intimidated by the looks of this Qubeley. Looking at that…we all suddenly felt ashamed to have normal hands…we suddenly felt insecure.

Yes, we are slowly developing some mild small hands inferiority complex here…

Joking aside, from the outset, it is obvious that this is an MG kit that is based from the existing Qubeley MG frame. At first glance, it does look like they really didn’t much to the overall look…but as you were to look closely. You would notice that they did a lot in making this Qubeley look damn good. For instance, they added some more detail in some of the parts here and there that it managed to make it look quite detailed. They as well looked like the taken cues from the Qubeley Papillion on the feet section and looking at this we can’t stop to wonder if we would be seeing the Papillion in MG form soon?

This is really one badass pose

What’s more, we do like the fact that they used a simple black and white color scheme to this Qubeley. We felt like it does manage to make the kit look badass and quite appealing at the same time. Even the storm bringer a kit that we felt it to be quite colorful, doesn’t look as good as this looked color wise and we felt the sheer simplicity of the color scheme contributed in making this look quite appealing.

However, all of that is pale in comparison on its pièce de résistance….

The awesome hands of course

Yes, look at them awesome hands…that huge glorious hands. Really the highlight of this awesome kit, one that really makes this MG kit look and feels quite special. There is really nothing that we have seen from the MG line of kits that has hands that are as impressive as this. Even the Ver.3.0 hands aren’t looking as glorious as this is…

However, even though the Qubeley Damned hands look quite impressive…..it does seem to us like the hands looked like its fixed. From the promotional pictures that we’ve seen…it doesn’t seem like there is anything that we can do with the hands…

But the lack of articulation on the hands isn’t really something that we actually mind, especially on something that looks that glorious… because really what do you expect to do with it? For it to help you build a gunpla? Hmm, that is actually a good ide….

No, no, what we are trying to say is that with something looking like that, it is expected that it’s fixed and honestly…..that is enough for us. We really didn’t mind it.

Overall we do feel like this is definitely would be something that we would be getting and…

We do have some idea of what to use the hands for….

Oh, we have so many ideas on how to best use your hands…

MG 1/100 F-91 Gundam F-91 w/ Back mounted Cannon & Twin VSBR Ver.2.0 (MG)

MG 1/100 F-91 Gundam F-91 w/ Back mounted Cannon & Twin VSBR Ver.2.0 (MG)

Release Date: 2018/11

Estimated price: JPY 6,264* (MYR RM 231.58/ USD $ 55.96*)

*The price is subject to change, depending on the situation.

Well lookie here, we have another BADASS looking MS here.

Finally, we get to the last bit of this week’s P-Bandai announcements and again we have another MG kit that is lined up for release! 😀

Just like the previous 2 MG kits that we talked about, this MG Ver.2.0 F-91 as well is quite a looker. Though it might be less insane or intimidating as the Qubeley Damned, however, it still one that looks quite…badass.

Why you may ask?

Well from the promotional pictures that we are seeing here, it seems like P-Bandai is going all out on the details given new additions F91 pars here. Like for an instance, P-Bandai gave this variant of the MG vER.2.0 F91 a new backpack system, but one look at it one can’t help to feel that all the exposed cables attached to the backpack, made it look like the F91 is still undergoing trials. We are really truly impressed by the level of detail seen here.

Would you look at that backpack…

What’s more this version of the F91 as well comes with a new pair of backpacks attached twin cannon system. Replacing the previous VSBR cannons…this pair really is looking like something that came from the 90s…one that we felt really fits well with the overall look of this MG F91 kit. Yes, we as well noticed that P-Bandai as well included a new shoulder armor, just like how the twin backpack cannon looked they aswell look very 90s and after seeing this, we kind of get why they look so good together.

Just take a look at that!

I could hear music from the 90s when I look at this glorious MS

Overall, we do feel like all the additions seen here is pretty impressive and honestly, all of us here wouldn’t mind spending money to just get all of these awesome kits plus since we haven’t gotten the MG F91 Ver.2.0 yet this does seem like the one to go for us.

Though, after going through this it does make us wonder if P-Bandai would make an expansion set that is consisted of these things just for the existing owners for the F91…because honestly?

It’ll be really nice if they did.

It’ll be nice if P-Bandai would include all the awesome additions in a separate expansion kit for the existing buyers to get…

With that ends our 71st  episode of our Let’s Talk Gunpla segment! We are glad that we are finally SEEING some very impressive upcoming line up of P-Bandai MG and HG releases. When we looked at these awesome releases…we can’t help to feel quite impressed by the P-Bandai chaps….

And to know that all of them is really coming at the end of this year……kind of makes us..quite scared that our wallets wouldn’t survive the year-end…well…

Anyways do let us know here of what from these kits that you are looking forward in getting or seeing more of and just know that we always look forward in reading and responding to your comments and thoughts of the kits and as well to this post!

We will be back with more Let’s Talk Gunpla Segment on the next coming Wednesday and Kimi will be back again this Sunday with his final thoughts on the Figure Rise LABO Fumina Hoshino! So, do look forward to that!

As ever please do leave us a like if you enjoyed this article and if you enjoy the kind of content that we are making please do follow us all here, as well to give us some feedback and suggestions if you think we would be able to improve further in making sure that we can give you all a better content in the future! As well, we want you to know that your likes and shares are highly appreciated in supporting and helping us grow further, honestly, your love and support means the world to all of us here in Kimi the Builder Blog editorial team.

We hope by sharing our love and passion for gunplas here, it’ll inspire you to pick up the hobby or reignite your love for gunpla!

Anyways, we shall see all of you again next week, and we hope that you all have an awesome week and weekend ahead! Have an awesome Gunpla building time there as well and until next time!





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